New Pool Tables
When you are looking for a new pool table, you should take a good look at the Peter Vitalie reproduction style pool tables. There are four different lines that are offered as well as matching cue racks.
These tables are manufactured right here in the United States which make getting a table as well as replacement parts much easier than dealing with a manufacturer that builds their tables overseas. All of their models are made from solid wood and the cabinets are extra thick for a rock solid base. They also feature solid wood bracing to support the slate.
The Vitaile pool tables are custom made so that you can select the species of wood used to construct the table as well as the stain color and finish that gets applied to the wood. You will have an option to select the color leather used on the pockets as well as the quality and color cloth used. Keep this in mind as you browse through the pictures of the Vitalie reproduction pool tables. You can create a pool table that is uniquely yours simply by changing the species of wood, color stain etc…